Happy Fall!


Life is ruff for our furry friends in the fall. There are humans to walk, piles of leaves to jump in, and naps that must be had. It can’t be easy! While fall is quickly a-purr-oaching, treat your fuzzy companion to a pet-friendly snack during Bake Sale September! We will have goodies baked by our very own staff for sale throughout the month.  The best part? All proceeds will go towards our Angel Fund, which allows us to help animals in need right here at Oakland Hills Veterinary Hospital. Bon-A-pet-treat! 

Howl-o-ween will soon be upon us! In celebration, show us your pet in their most furr-ocious costume! Dress up your pets during your office visit, or send us a photo through our email, Facebook, or Instagram! Whether it is Wizard of Paws, The Great Catsby, or Downton Tabby, we would love to see your pets looking fetching in their costumes. Photos will be displayed in our clinic throughout October. At the end of the month, a winner will be selected to receive a special prrr-ize.

For 40 years, Gleaners Community Food Bank has been helping to feed the hungry and nourish our community. Throughout southeast Michigan, more than 670,000 people will face hunger this year. Join us in an effort to make a change this November, and donate to our annual Gleaners Food Drive! We will be collecting boxed, canned, and non-purrishable food items all month. So no whining and dining – lets get to work and lend a helping paw to those in need!
